You want a business that is in alignment with you
But so far it it has been downright exhausting
Exhausted and questioning if this is the right path for you?

Questioning if you are even designed to be an entrepreneur?

You're not alone.
Can you relate?

You feel out of place. You can't relate to others in your field and they can't relate to you. It feels like a culture clash and a complete mismatch

You find yourself trying to be someone you are not and forcing your feet into the shoe that was never meant to fit you

You feel depleted and fatigued at the end of the time and find yourself reaching out for mind-numbing habits like drinking or junk food to fill that void
Here's the thing
When you find the type of work that you were born to step into

Work becomes play because it feels natural, aligned, and easy.

You will start taking consistent action because resistance is minimal because it is energetically the right fit for you

Most importantly,

You are not psychically and energetically drained at the end of the day because this was how you were designed to be and do things

Career Path by Design Masterclass
An exclusive masterclass tailored for women who want to decode the mystery behind their business dissatisfaction, find purpose, and design a path that aligns with their trueself.
This no-fluff, no B.S. masterclass is going to cut through all the noise and get you to the heart of the matter.

What makes you the wrong fit for the thing that you are doing?

And if you need to pivot into something new or tweak a few things

This masterclass provides the direct email support, guidance, and resources you need to overcome these challenges and achieve your goals using human design
3 places in your Human Design Chart... 
That Will Help You Figure Out If You Are On The Right Path
This is the 3 Step formula that I go over in this masterclass
Step 1

  • Your energetic capacity

Step 2

  • Your social bandwidth and creative energy 

Step 3

  • Your Wa and Penta energy 

I know how you feel...
Just a few years ago, I remember putting my 2nd baby to bed and then running to my basement to pack subscription boxes  - sleep-deprived, fingers bleeding from papercuts, and miserable.
I was drowning in losses, felt completely overwhelmed, and in a state of disarray. 

The business that was supposed to make me feel happy and give me time back was taking it away from me with minimal returns.

After 4 failed attempts at trying different businesses, I knew I needed to be honest with myself and follow my gifts.

This is when I found human design.
I finally understood what I was doing wrong and started a business that was designed for my energy, aligned with my purpose, and started making passive profits every day.

This is why I created this masterclass
To help you create a business that is designed to work with your energy
Here's everything that you will get..
Everything you need to successfully achieve your dream business 
By the end of this masterclass, you will discover
 If you are on the right path with your business/career

 Why your business is draining you and the reason behind your inconsistency

 Design your business in a way that energetically replenishes you

and a lot more!
You'll have access to exclusive content, and personalized support to help you stay on track and make progress towards your goals.
This world needs more women to follow their hearts

This starts with going beyond what looks good on paper.

Pay attention to that contrast that you feel within you

Those low feelings are a guiding compass..guiding to something greater.

Follow it, take it, seize it.

The Person Behind This Masterclass..
Hi, I'm Poonam
I am a 6/2 Manifesting Generator, a Certified Human Design Coach, a Trained Energy Healer, a Udemy Bestelling Instructor with a #12 ranked Human Design Blog

I help women find and step into their purpose to build aligned online businesses and careers using Human Design and energetics.

I spent the early years of my life in a country where I learned to wear a facade to fit into society. This carried over into my work life until I found human design. 

This opened my eyes to the true nature of the person that I was born to be and the power that lay deep within me. And with that the understanding that some things were not meant for me - and instead of trying to force myself into it. I had to surrender and let it go.

"But when you fall in love with yourself, the whole world falls in love with you too"

Do you have any questions?
  • What is included in the masterclass?
    The program includes access to exclusive content that will show you the type of business model you are aligned for according to your human design
  • Can I get a refund if I am not happy?
    Due to the natural of this program, there are no refunds.
Here's a Summary of Everything You Get Inside The Masterclass:

Access to exclusive training and content 

Bonus resources 

And most importantly, clarity on whether you are on the correct path once and for all

Get Instant Access To The Career Path by Design Masterclass!
For a whopping no-brainer offer of only.... $9! (!!!)
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Career Path by Design Masterclass$9

  • Total payment
  • 1xCareer Path by Design Masterclass$9

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